IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Newsletter | Volume 12 | Issue 1 | February 2018 | CURRENT/PAST ISSUES


Recent and Upcoming Special Issues of CAS Sponsored Journals

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems plans to publish the following special issue in September 2018:

IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS) plans to publish the following special issue in the first quarter of 2018:

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs (TCAS-II) will publish the following special issues in 2018:

Submission to IEEE Control Systems Letters with CDC (2018) option is now possible

As for the year 2017, also this year the IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS) offers the opportunity for authors to not only publish a paper in the journal but also to present the same paper at the flagship conference of the IEEE Control Systems Society: the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). 

The joint submission to IEEE Control Systems Letters and CDC 2018 will be possible ***from January 4 to March 6, 2018***.

Manuscripts submitted to the L-CSS with the CDC option will undergo a regular review as papers submitted to the Letters (so they should be submitted only to the L-CSS and not to the CDC). At the end of the first round of review, the reviews and the Associate Editor's report will be forwarded to the CDC Program Committee, which will use them to decide on the inclusion of these manuscripts in the program of the Conference. 

After the first cycle of review, the decisions about the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript for the L-CSS and for the CDC will be independent of each other. In particular, reviews and reports collected during a possible second round of review will not be forwarded to the CDC Program Committee.

For more information about joint submission to L-CSS and CDC see, specifically,

section "L-CSS and CDC".

For more information about the L-CSS, please check the website at


Latest Tables of Contents of CAS Sponsored Journals

The latest issues of our CAS sponored journals have been published and the tables of contents can be accessed through the following links: