IEEE CASS Santa Clara Valley Report
The IEEE Circuits and Systems society Santa Clara Chapter held its first event of the year on May 19th, 2018 at San Jose State University (SJSU) as part of the Technology Showcase organized by the Electrical Engineering department at SJSU. The lecture titled “Circuits and Systems Design of Low Power Radios for IoT Applications” was given by Dr. Imran Bashir. The lecture included topics such as IoT Standards, Power Management Design, transmitter and PLL architectures, crystal oscillator design, VCO topologies, and advanced receiver architectures.
On June 28th, 2018, the IEEE Circuits and Systems society held a joint event with Solid State Circuits society on the topic of “Leveraging intelligent machines to assist Analog design exploration : ID-XploreTM” presented by Dr. Ramy Iskander who is the current CEO of Intento Design. During the lecture, Dr. Iskander outlined the technology behind his work in the area of design automation and exploration using concepts in machine learning to automate and expedite analog and mixed signal IC design process. The total attendance was 22.

[LEFT PHOTO] IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Distinguished Lecturer Event with Dr. Gabor Temes with officers of participating societies. From Left to Right; Robert S. Ogg (CAS chair), Johnathan David (CAS Chapter Advisor), Mojtaba Sharifzadeh (SSCS Chair), Dr. Temes (CAS DL), Julian Tham, Imran Bashir (far left, CASS Vice-Chair & Secretary).
The next event was held on July 26th, 2018. This was a join event with IEEE Solid State Circuits Society and IEEE Communication Society local chapters with the Distinguished Lecturer Dr. Gabor Temes. The lecture titled “A 13b ENOB Noise-Shaping SAR ADC with a Two-Capacitor DAC” was held at the main auditorium at Cypress Semiconductor Corp. in San Jose, CA and was also broadcast live and recorded on Zoom Conference platform. The event attracted 52 attendees that included IC designers, academics, and students from local industry and schools and 8 of those attendees joined remotely on conference system.

[ABOVE LEFT PHOTO] IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Distinguished Lecturer Event with Dr. Gabor Temes. [ABOVE RIGHT PHOTO] IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Lecture Event with Dr. Mihai Banu. From left to right Paul Zander (Vice Chair APS), David Norlander (Chair APS), Robert S. Ogg (Chair CAS), Dr. Mihai Banu (Blue Danube Systems), Mojtaba Sharifzadeh (Chair SSCS), Johnathan David (CAS Chapter Advisor), and Imran Bashir (CAS Vice Chair & Secretary).

[RIGHT PHOTO] IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Lecture Event with Dr. Mihai Banu.
The fourth event was held on August 9th, 2018 with IEEE Solid State Circuits Society, IEEE Communication Society, and IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society local chapters. The speaker, Dr. Mihai Banu, who is the founder, CTO, and director at Blue Danube Systems, gave a talk titled “Massive MIMO Active Antenna Arrays for Advanced Wireless Communications.” He covered fundamental principles behind MIMO antenna arrays and briefly outlined some practical solutions developed in industry in this field. Dr. Banu was very energetic and engaged with the audience in responding their questions. The lecture drew a crowd of 56 engineers from local industry and 9 participants on Zoom conference platform.
The lecture materials and recordings for the last two events have been submitted to IEEE TV staff and will be posted there soon. Planning for more events is underway. All future events will be broadcast live on Zoom conference system allowing participation from around the world. Please visit our website and join the email list to receive notification of future event and instructions on joining remotely through Zoom.
Further information:
Lecture Video: Massive MIMO Active Antenna Arrays for Advanced Wireless Communications: IEEE CASS lecture by Dr. Mihai Banu
Imran Bashir, IEEE CCV CAS Chapter Vice Chair & Secretary
Prof. Jose Moura visited Santa Clara Valley
As our readers are aware, IEEE Life Fellow José M.F. Moura has been chosen as 2018 IEEE president-elect. He will begin serving as IEEE president on 1 January 2019. He is the Philip L. and Marsha Dowd University Professor at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Prof. Jose Moura delivered a two-part talk on June 1st 2018 for Santa Clara Valley section. First part was more on technology, innovation and/or entrepreneurship -based on Prof Moura work. Second part was on his vision for IEEE: focus on membership and transparency at all IEEE levels and balance the operations budget of IEEE.
The event was sponsored by IEEE Santa Clara Valley Section’s PACE and IEEE SCV CAS Chapter., Texas Instruments( ) and Symbyon Systems ( ). Symbyon is a startup providing error correction systems for fast, reliable and real-time data processing and its patented LDPC based error correction technology provide memory and logic savings up to 75% compared to standard implementations.

Photos: [LEFT] Prof. Moura delivering his first part of talk on his MKL work and correlation-sensitive adaptive detection; [RIGHT] Left to Right: Ms. Anu Yarlagadda (CEO, Symbyon Systems), Mr. Joseph Wei (IEEE SCV Chair), Dr. Arturo Salz(Synopsys), Prof. Andrea Goldsmith(Stanford University), Prof. Jose Moura (IEEE President Elect), Mr. Jim Wieser (Executive from Texas Instruments), Robert Ogg (IEEE SCV CAS chapter chair), Mr. Mojtaba Sharifzadeh (IEEE SCV SSCS chapter chair)
The event was attended by several key people from Silicon valley including Ms. Anu Yarlagadda (CEO, Symbyon Systems), Prof. Andrea Goldsmith (Stanford University), and Mr. Jim Wieser (Executive from Texas Instruments) and several IEEE section and chapter officers.
Robert Ogg, IEEE SCV CAS Chapter Chair