IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Newsletter | Volume 17 | Issue 5 | October 2023 | CURRENT/PAST ISSUES


IBM / IEEE - AI Compute Symposium 2023 - A Free In-Person Research Event

Together with the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society and the IEEE Electron Devices Society, IBM Research is hosting the 6th AI Compute Symposium at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center THINKLab in Yorktown Heights, New York.

The IBM and IEEE sponsored Symposium will bring together dreamers, thinkers, and innovators in cutting-edge research for a one-day forum to explore AI Compute challenges and future research directions. The symposium provides both in-person and virtual attendance options, with in-person attendance being preferred.

This symposium is free of charge.

The symposium will have eminent invited speakers, a student poster session, and a panel. Students are encouraged to submit poster abstracts. A best student poster will also be awarded.

Submission details can be found below, as well as on the symposium website, here:

Live presentations from the IEEE AI Compute Symposium will be streamed on the day of the conference.
Information for in-person attendance

Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 4.43.36 PM
Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 4.44.12 PM

Topics to explore:

  • Chiplets - architectures, EDA, packaging, technology
  • Generative AI Compute
  • Heterogeneous Integration
  • Cloud / Data Center AI Acceleration
  • AI at the Edge / AI in IoT
  • TinyML
  • Analog Computing and Emerging Accelerators for AI
  • Neuromorphic Architectures
  • Approximate Computing
  • AI Algorithms & Applications
  • AI for EDA and related applications in the cloud


  • Abstract submission: 27 October 2023
  • Notification: 3 November 2023
  • Symposium: 28 November 2023


The poster session will be an in-person format only. Poster abstracts (two pages maximum) are invited that address advanced results in AI Compute topics. Please submit original work. Authors of accepted posters will be requested to produce a print-out of their poster and a poster presenter will be required to attend the symposium for the in-person poster session.

Posters submissions may be from academia and industry. A best poster contest will be held for student posters. Please note that only posters with student presenters are eligible for best poster awards. Please see the list of best poster winners from the 2022 symposium below.

Submission Process:

  • Please send poster abstracts as PDF attachments to the symposium email address:
  • Please use the IEEE 2-column template for abstract formatting.
  • Please including the following in the email submission:
    Email Subject: AICS23 Poster Submission
    Email Body: Poster Title, Authors & Affiliations, Is the poster presenter a student? (Y/N)