International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks 2012 (IWCSN2012)
The 9th International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks (IWCSN) was held at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis on Sept. 5-7, 2012. It was jointly organized by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) and the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. Thirteen one-hour talks were presented over two and a half days by well-known researchers in diverse disciplines.
The invited speakers are:
Igor Belykh, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Georgia State University
Guanrong Chen, Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong
Jörn Davidsen, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary
Martin Golubitsky, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio State University
Bojan Mohar, Department of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University
Theoden Netoff, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota
Duane Nykamp, Department of Mathematics, University of Minnesota
Edward Ott, Institute for Plasma Research, University of Maryland
Gyan Ranjan, Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota
Kenneth Showalter, Chem., Arts and Sciences, West Virginia University
Ljiljana Trajkovic, School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University
J. J. P. Veerman, Fariborz Maseeh Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Portland State University
Chai Wah Wu, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, IBM
The talks were followed by many discussions among the participants. The invited talks span a wide variety of topics, including neural networks, Internet traffic classification, network stability and control, synchronization in animal gaits, chemical oscillators, evolutionary strategy, genetic networks, and graph theory. The program also included a well-attended open problem discussion session where participants freely proposed open problems and discussed related topics.
The financial support of the sponsors, including the IMA, IEEE CAS, IBM, and City University of Hong Kong, provided funding to support the participation of many students and postdoctoral researchers from around the world. We had approximately 45 participants in total and the sessions were well attended.
Igor Belykh, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Georgia State University
Guanrong Chen, Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong
Ljiljana Trajkovic, School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University
Chai Wah Wu, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, IBM
Workshop web sites:
Chai Wah Wu, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, IBM (Email: