Joint Seminar of Three IEEE CAS Society Chapters: French, Shikoku and Malaysia
On December 19th 2016, a joint seminar between three IEEE CAS Society Chapters, French, Shikoku and Malaysia was held. The event has been successfully conducted at Dewan Seminar, level 2, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia and participated by members of IEEE CAS Malaysia Chapter, including the faculty members and postgraduate students.
Three distinguished speakers representing each chapter presented this half-day seminar. First speaker, Prof Yoshifumi Nishio from Shikoku, is the current IEEE CAS Society Board of Governors (from 2012) shared the topic on “Complex Phenomena in Coupled Chaotic Circuits”. In Prof Nishio’s presentation, he intrigued the participant on how “Chaos” generated by irregular oscillation in deterministic systems could be adopted to enhance or build several interesting applications, for instance, the chaos cryptosystems, chaos communication systems, chaos neural networks, and chaos radar.

Second speaker representing French Chapter, Prof Amara Amara, is the current IEEE CASS VP for Conferences, delivered a noteworthy talk on “Extremely Low-Leakage Memory and Logic Circuits Based on Tunneling-FET Device”. Prof. Amara introduced a new Tunneling FET (T-FET) structure developed in his laboratory and show how it can be used to achieve energy-efficient circuits and systems.
The seminar concluded with the presentation from Dr. Fakhrul Zaman Rokhani one of the executive committee in IEEE CAS Malaysia Chapter. He shared a captivating talk entitled “Towards Energy-Efficient On-Chip Communication”. In his talk, low voltage signaling schemes are presented to achieve energy-efficient on-chip communication. Challenges in operating at low voltage include communication speed and reliability was also addressed through various bus codes including joint-codes.
Total of more than 20 participants attended the joint seminar and enjoyed the intellectual interaction with the speakers during and after the seminar.
More information can be accessed at IEEE CASS Malaysia chapter newsletter here.

Fazrul Faiz Zakaria (email:
IEEE CAS Malaysia Members Join the CASS Student Design Competition
The IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CAS) has opened the 1st CASS Student Design Competition. The IEEE CASS Malaysia has sent three groups to this competition. The Student Design Competition is a worldwide competition where undergraduate students will team with high school students. The teams should suggest and execute projects aimed atencouraging High School Students to study Electrical Engineering and related areas. The focus is on finding a solution to a real-life problem based on circuits and systems. The competition will take place in three phases, the first at chapter level, the second at regional level and a final at world level. The final will take place during ISCAS 2017. The first phase of the competition has been successfully held on November 7th 2016 at The Everly Hotel. There are four selected judges for the competition and one of them is from the industry.
The four finalists, one for each region R1-7, R8, R9 and R10 of this competition will get full funded trip to ISCAS 2017 as well as ISCAS registration. The winning team willbe awarded US$3,000. All the best for Malaysia team!
More information can be accessed at IEEE CASS Malaysia chapter newsletter here.
Nurul Amziah Md Yunus, (email:
2016 Chapter of the Year Award Goes to the Malaysia CASS Chapter

The IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Malaysia Chapter, chaired by Dr. Nurul Amziah Md Yunus received the 2016 Chapter of The Year Award. The award ceremony took place in Jeju Island, Korea, in conjunction with APCCAS conference. The award recognizes the CASS chapter with the best yearly activities in the categories of chapter-sponsored technical activities, increase in membership and participation in BOG meetings. The picture on the left shows Dr. Nurul Amziah received the award from the IEEE CASS President, Prof. Franco Maloberti, and the picture on the right shows the award certificate received.
IEEE CASS Malaysia chapter would like to extend its warmest congratulations to all members especially the 2016 executive committees for receiving this recognition. This is the second time Malaysia chapter received the award, first was in 2007, with the chapter chaired by Prof. Sudanshu Jamuar.
More information can be accessed at IEEE CASS Malaysia chapter newsletter here.
Fakhrul Zaman Rokhani (email:
Talks on IEEE CASS Conferences and Activities

The IEEE CAS invited talk on CAS Conferences and Activities has been successfully conducted on 20th December 2016 at The Everly Hotel Putrajaya. Amara Amara the VP for CAS conference gave a talk on 'Dedicated to Your Success – IEEE CAS Conferences and Yoshifumi Nishio the BoG of CAS delivered a talk on Make the Members’ Connection – IEEE CAS Activities. 20 participants attended this event. The event reached its point with unforeseen numbers of questions and answers, which could then clarify the importance of the contents delivered.
More information can be accessed at IEEE CASS Malaysia chapter newsletter here.
Nurul Amziah Mohd Yunus, (email: