Malaysia Holds the seventh Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PrimeAsia 2017)
In November 1-2, 2017, the Seventh Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PrimeAsia) was successfully held at Pullman Kuala Lumpur Bangsar Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
This time, the PrimeAsia 2017 conference topics revolve around the theme “Advancing Circuits and Systems Innovation for Connected World” thus PrimeAsia had mainly focused on the wide spectrum of research topics in Microelectronics and Electronics and building connections between various related research fields such as Programmable Analog and Digital Systems, Power and Energy Circuits and Systems, Lab on a chip Circuits and Systems, Communication, Neural Systems and Applications and many more. This evidently indicates research being carried out in the country and elsewhere in those important areas.

On the first day, the President of the IEEE CASS Society, Professor Franco Maloberti from University of Pavia, Italy gave his keynote entitled “Ultra-Low Voltage and Micro-Power Analog Design” while Professor Dr. Tsung-Yi Ho from National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan gave his talk entitled “The Coming of Age of Microfluidics: Connecting Algorithms and Foundations of Chip Design to Biochemistry and the Life Sciences” and Dr. Philip Tan Beow Yew from Silterra Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. on “How Far SPICE Modeling Can Go In Capturing Future Advance Device Characteristics”. On the second day of PrimeAsia 2017, Prof. Dr. Massimo Alioto from National University of Singapore, Singapore gave his keynote on “Energy-Quality Scalable Integrated Circuits and Systems–Continuing the Energy Scaling in spite of Moore’s Law” and Prof. Dr. Fawnizu Azmadi Bin Hussin from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia gave his talk on “Test and Reliability Challenges for the Internet of Things in the Interconnected World”. PrimeAsia 2017 talks have facilitated and inspired the young delegates to excel in area of engineering of microelectronics and electronics.
The presentations of the selected regular papers in the parallel tracks were complemented by two Special Sessions on niche topics namely, area of LNA and Sensors and their applications and one Sharing Session entitled “Scientific Publishing: Learn From the Pros”. PrimeAsia 2017 also has shared poster session. For this conference, the total paper submission is 58 with 36 accepted and the acceptance rate is 62%.
PrimeAsia 2017 materialized in its endeavor successfully and all have been accomplished with the hardwork of its organizing committee members. Taking this opportunity, the general chair of PrimeAsia 2017, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurul Amziah Md Yunus and her team were overwhelmed and have expressed their gratitude and thanks to all special guests, the presenters and participants of PrimeAsia 2017. The two-day conference was finally ended with the introduction of the next location of PrimeAsia in Chengdu, China. The conference was officially closed with the announcement of the recipients of the best poster, best papers and travel awards.
Nurul Amziah Md Yunus