人工智能(AI)浪潮可能对我们的社会和生活各方面产生深远的影响。作为电路与系统领域的领导者,从AI硬件加速、能效系统架构、设计方法、工具、新兴设备到神经形态计算、算法和应用程序,我们学会在AI领域中造了很多贡献。为了促进研究人员、科学家和工程师之间的互动,我们将于2019年3月在台湾新竹举办首届IEEE国际人工智能电路与系统会议(AICAS)。AICAS将作为学会平台,促进与AI相关的研究和活动,并为在AI领域工作的人提供培训。欢迎您参加2019年3月举办的活动,感谢学会会议副会长Myung Hoon Sunwoo教授和AICAS组委会成员领导这项工作。
AICAS是一个在人工智能领域中传播知识和激发新思想的论坛,与业界的联系也很重要。为此,我们成功推出了两个业界活动,即2018年9月21日在硅谷举办的首届CAS-Silicon Valley AI for Industry论坛,以及2018年10月25日在美国纽约州约克城高地的IBM TJ Watson研究中心THINKLab举办的首届IBM-CAS AI计算研讨会。这两项活动都将人工智能技术带到了高科技的中心。在硅谷的活动是与英特尔合作举办的,来自英特尔、谷歌、Facebook和麻省理工学院的专家介绍了很多人工智能相关的主题,从能效系统架构、加速深度神经网络的方法到集中数据处理等。此次活动共有330多名与会者,其中66%为非IEEE会员。演示幻灯片可在CAS Santa Clara Valley Chapter网站上找到:http://sites.ieee.org/scv-cas/2018/09/21/ieee-circuits-and-systems-society-silicon-valley-cas-sv-artificial-intelligent-for-industry-forum/。
IBM-CAS活动是与IBM和IEEE Electron Devices Society合作举办的,该活动有来自多个公司和大学的155名与会者。首先是来自IBM和ARM的两位主题发言人,随后是来自英特尔和IBM的两场特邀演讲,以及两场关于“生物启发计算”和“新兴技术”的技术会议,还包括一项学生海报展示活动,大约30名学生展示了他们的研究成果。研讨会结束时,小组讨论了“人工智能还是人工智障:人工智能究竟有多聪明?”,小组成员包括主题演讲和特邀演讲者以及IBM院士。小组讨论将在IEEE TV上提供。在2019年,我们计划在世界各地组织类似的活动。
没有我们的志愿者,这些活动的成功是不可能实现的,我要感谢技术活动副会长Eduard Alarcon教授将他的时间投入到这些精彩的活动中,我非常感谢英特尔(CASS BoG技术活动部成员)的Yen-Kuang Chen博士发起了第一届CAS-Silicon Valley AI for Industry 论坛,以及IBM的Rajiv Joshi博士组织了第一次IBM-CAS AI 计算研讨会。
与脑科学相关的电子学是电路与系统学会深入参与的另一个领域。2016年,学会推出了第一个脑电路与系统研讨会(BrainCAS)作为BioCAS2016的附属活动。BrainCAS致力于促进不同学科之间的合作。在2018年,我们发起了NeuroCAS研讨会,作为BioCAS2018 的后期活动,重点关注ECoG和外围/自主神经系统界面和假肢。结构化讨论和非正式交流活动的结合鼓励研究人员、科学家和临床医生产生新的研究思路并建立新的合作。感谢Tim Constandinou教授(CASS BoG会议部成员)和团队一起做的杰出工作!
2017年,我们与BioCAS2017一起推出了食品电路与系统研讨会(FoodCAS)。今年,FoodCAS将首次成为ISCAS2019的卫星活动,侧重于电路与系统学会为智能农业提供的各种技术,详见http://www.knt.co.jp/ec/2019/foodcas/。感谢Danilo Demarchi教授和团队在ISCAS2019组织的第一次FoodCAS卫星研讨会。
出版文献是一个向读者传播知识的重要平台,CAS出版物的质量反映了我们在该领域的技术实力。在出版物副会长Manuel Delgado Restituto教授的领导下,以及各主编、编委会、审稿人和作者的共同努力下,几乎所有的电路与系统学会的期刊都取得了最佳成绩,包括影响因子、特征因子得分和文章影响力得分。祝贺我们的主编,TCAS-I的Andreas Demosthenous博士,TCAS-II的Chi K. Michael Tse博士,TCSVT的Shipeng Li博士,TBioCAS的Mohamad Sawan博士和JETCASE 的Eduard Alarcon博士。
电路与系统处于许多新兴领域的前沿,为了满足作者和读者的需求,我们在2018年创建了一个新平台,即名为“集成电路与系统国际研讨会”(ISICAS)的期刊共发会议。旨在吸引高质量的论文,同时为作者提供在很短的时间内与公众分享成果的机会。ISICAS是一种新形式的会议,所有被接受的论文都在2018年的TCAS-I和TCAS-II特刊中发表。作者有机会在会议期间向一大群观众展示成果。论文处理非常快,从论文提交到出版不超过6个月,这在任何CAS赞助的期刊中都创下了记录,ISICAS2018的成功激励我们为会员和作者提供更多服务。2019年,除TCAS-I和TCAS-II外,TBioCAS将加入ISICAS2019,作者可以在2019年3月1日之前将论文提交给ISICAS2019 TCAS-I,TCAS-II和TBioCAS的特刊。ISICAS2019将于2019年8月29日至30日在意大利威尼斯举行,详情请见http://ims.unipv.it/ISICAS19/。感谢前任会长Franco Maloberti教授和ISICAS2019团队为这一伟大计划所做的贡献。
- 低功耗图像识别挑战
- CASS派生思想竞赛
- 行业拓展计划:(1)CAS-Silicon Valley AI for Industry论坛(2)IBM-CAS AI 计算研讨会
- 学生分会的推广
- 非洲电路与系统研讨会
- 东南亚电路与系统研讨会
- 华南电路与系统研讨会
- 新成立分会的当地研讨会
- 1-7区学生研究比赛
- 8区工作坊之旅
- 9区工业旅行
- 10区电路与系统分会的社交活动
我们从上述方案中得到了非常积极的反馈,我们将在2019年对分会进行更多投入,以促进当地的活动。我很高兴地说,2018年学会成员健康增长,总体会员数增加5.24%,10区增加16.15%。此外,2018年创建了4个新的CAS分会和6个新的学生分会。感谢区域活动和会员副会长Yoshifumi Nishio教授积极组织活动和招募会员。
CAS期刊的审查过程依赖于EDICS(编辑信息分类方案),该方案用于帮助主编为提交的论文选择最佳审稿人。随着电路与系统领域的快速变化,有必要使EDICS保持更新。在Eduard Alarcon教授(技术活动副会长)和Manuel Delgado Restituto教授(出版物副会长)的领导下,在所有编辑和技术委员会的帮助下,我们对现有的EDICS进行了审查和修订,以明确界定各个CAS期刊感兴趣的领域,我们将在2019年更新EDICS。我们希望新的EDICS能够帮助作者更好地对论文进行分类并加快评审过程。
- Sergio Saponara(意大利比萨大学)编辑的“万物互联网电源管理”
- “为物联网提供技术:无线电路、系统和网络”由Mathieu Coustans和Catherine Dehollain编辑(均来自瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院)
- “使用先进CMOS技术的低功耗电路设计”由Milin Zhang、Zhihua Wang(均来自中国清华大学)、Jan Van der Spiegel(美国宾夕法尼亚大学)和Franco Maloberti(意大利帕维亚大学)编辑
- “生物医学中的电路与系统-UKCAS2018”由Hadi Heidari(英国格拉斯哥大学)和Sara Ghoreishizadeh(英国伦敦大学学院)编辑。
这些书籍对CAS成员免费,您可以从CAS资源中心下载它们https://resourcecenter.cas.ieee.org/。WiCAS(电路与系统中的女性)和YP(青年学者)是电路与系统学会的两个焦点小组。WiCAS小组在女性工程师和研究人员中推广CAS活动,而YP小组帮助学会设计适合年轻学者的课程。我们每年都会在ISCAS举办WiCAS活动,欢迎您参加日本札幌ISCAS2019的WiCAS会议。2018年,我们还在CAS旗舰会议上推出了YP指导会议,包括ISCAS2018、APCCAS2018和ICECS2018。这些指导会议有以下目的:(1)向电路与系统学会推荐年轻学者;(2)促进经验分享;(3)为早期职业发展提供建议;(4)鼓励年轻学者积极参与CAS相关活动;(5)为年轻学者提供志愿服务学会的机会;(6)吸引年轻学者加入学会。年轻学者会议将定期在我们的旗舰会议上举行。我们鼓励年轻会员参加2019年的这些会议。感谢Jennifer Blain Christen教授领导WiCAS小组和Hadi Heidari教授为YP小组所做的工作。
我非常感谢所有志愿者的辛勤工作和服务承诺,感谢Franco Maloberti教授(前任会长)领导提名、章程以及奖项委员会,Amara Amara博士(当选主席)担任长期战略委员会主席,Chang Wen Chen教授(财务活动副会长)管理学会财务。感谢Pamela Abshire教授、Elena Blokhina教授、Gabriele Manganaro博士、Mohamad Sawan教授和An-Yeu(Andy)Wu教授在过去三年中担任理事会成员(BoG)。特别感谢以下成员,他们是学会各委员会的主席:
- Fellow遴选委员会主席Enrico Macii教授。
- Charles A.Desoer技术成就奖小组委员会主席Joos Vandewalle教授。
- 社会教育奖小组委员会主席Randall Geiger教授。
- 工业先锋奖小组委员会主席Gabriele Manganaro博士。
- Mac Van Valkenburg奖小组委员会主席Tor Sverre Lande教授。
- 荣誉服务奖小组委员会主席Wouter Serdijn教授。
- 年度分会奖小组委员会主席、学生旅费奖小组委员会主席、博士前奖学金小组委员会主席Yoshifumi Nishio教授。
- 生物医学电路与系统最佳论文奖小组委员会主席、视频技术最佳论文奖小组委员会电路与系统主席、Darlington和Guillemin-Cauer最佳论文奖小组委员会主席、杰出青年作者最佳论文奖小组委员会主席、超大规模集成系统最佳论文奖小组委员会主席Manuel Delgado Restituto教授。
- 杰出讲师选拔委员会主席Elvis Mak教授。
连勇 IEEE CASS 2018-2019年度会长

At the beginning of this New Year, I would like to convey my best wishes and sincere thanks to all of you. I wish you a very happy New Year full of happiness and success in your personal and professional lives. I would like to thank all volunteers for spending their time to serve the members and the Circuits and Systems (CAS) community. 2018 has been a very exciting year marked by many achievements and new initiatives for the society. We have many reasons to celebrate and look forward to another wonderful year ahead.
As I mentioned in the 2018 message, my goals as the President are to strengthen our technical leadership in the field of circuits and systems and to create value for our members. What follows is a list of highlights of the many accomplishments we have achieved in 2018. I will group them into three areas: Technical Activities, Publications, and Member Services.
Technical Activities
The forthcoming wave of Artificial Intelligence (AI) could have a profound impact on all aspects of our society and lives. The society as the leader in the field of CAS has much to offer in AI ranging from AI hardware acceleration, energy efficient system architecture, design methodology, and tools, emerging devices, to neuromorphic computing, algorithms, and applications. To facilitate the interaction among researchers, scientists, and engineers working in the field of AI, we will launch the first IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (AICAS) in March 2019 in Hsinchu, Taiwan. AICAS will serve as a platform for the society to promote AI-related research and activities, and to provide training for those who want to work in AI. You are welcome to join this exciting event in March 2019. Thanks to Prof. Myung Hoon Sunwoo, VP Conferences, and AICAS Organizing Committee members for leading this effort.
While AICAS serves as a forum for disseminating knowledge and stimulating new ideas in AI, it is also important to reach out to the industry. For this purpose, we launched two very successful industry events, i.e. the First CAS-Silicon Valley AI for Industry Forum in Silicon Valley on September 21st, 2018 and the First IBM-CAS AI Compute Symposium at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center THINKLab in Yorktown Heights, NY, on October 25th, 2018. Both events brought AI technology to the center of high-tech hubs. The Silicon Valley event was held in collaboration with Intel, where experts from Intel, Google, Facebook, and MIT covered a wide range of topics in AI from energy efficient system architecture, methods to accelerate deep neural networks, to centralized data processing. The event saw more than 330 attendees, of which 66% are non-IEEE Members. The presentation slides are available on the CAS Santa Clara Valley Chapter website: http://sites.ieee.org/scv-cas/2018/09/21/ieee-circuits-and-systems-society-silicon-valley-cas-sv-artificial-intelligent-for-industry-forum/. You are welcome to download these slides.
The IBM-CAS event was held in collaboration with IBM and the IEEE Electron Devices Society. The event had over 155 attendees from multiple companies and universities. It started with two keynote speakers from IBM and ARM, followed by two Invited Talks from Intel and IBM, and two Technical Sessions on “Bio-inspired Computing” and “Emerging Technologies”. It also had a student poster session, where about 30 students presented their compelling research. The symposium closed with a panel discussion on “Artificial Intelligence or Artificial Stupidity: How smart will smart AI be?” The panelists included the keynote and invited speakers, as well as an IBM Fellow. The panel discussion will be available on IEEE TV. Feel free to watch this exciting event. In 2019, we plan to organize similar events around different parts of the world.
The successes of these events are not possible without our dedicated volunteers. I would like to thank Prof. Eduard Alarcon, VP Technical Activities, for investing his time into these wonderful events. I deeply appreciate Dr. Yen-Kuang Chen of Intel (a member of CASS BoG Technical Activities Division) for initiating the First CAS-Silicon Valley AI for Industry Forum, and Dr. Rajiv Joshi of IBM for organizing the First IBM-CAS AI Compute Symposium.
Brain-related electronics is another field that CASS is deeply involved in. In 2016, the society launched the first Brain Circuits and Systems workshop (BrainCAS) as a side event of BioCAS2016. BrainCAS is dedicated to promoting collaborations between very different disciplines. In 2018, we initiated a NeuroCAS Workshop as a post BioCAS2018 event, which focuses on ECoG and peripheral/autonomic nervous system interfaces and prostheses. A mixture of structured discussions and informal networking sessions encouraged researchers, scientists, and clinicians to generate novel research ideas and build new collaborations. Thanks to Prof. Tim Constandinou (a member of CASS BoG Conference Division) and the team for a great job!
Food is important to everyone. In 2017, we launched the Food Circuits and Systems Workshop (FoodCAS) along with BioCAS2017. This year for the first time, FoodCAS will become a satellite event of ISCAS2019 in Sapporo, Japan. It will focus on a wide range of technologies that CASS can offer to smart agriculture. More details can be found at http://www.knt.co.jp/ec/2019/foodcas/. Thanks to Prof. Danilo Demarchi and the team for organizing the first FoodCAS satellite workshop in ISCAS2019.
In addition to the aforementioned events, we also organized a UK CAS Tutorial on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, three Seasonal Schools on Physical Design Automation, Logic Synthesis and Verification, Industry Internet-of-Things, respectively. Similar events will be organized in 2019. We welcome you to send us your proposal if you are interested in organizing a Seasonal School in your region or country in 2019.
Publications are an important platform for the society to disseminate knowledge to the readers. The quality of CAS publication reflects our technical strength in the field. I am glad to report that under the leadership of Prof. Manuel Delgado Restituto, VP Publications, and the effort from the Editors-in-Chief, Editorial Boards, Reviewers, and authors, almost all CASS journals are achieving their best performance, including the Impact Factor, Eigenfactor Score, and Article Influence Score. Congratulations to our Editors-in-Chief, Dr. Andreas Demosthenous of TCAS-I, Dr. Chi K. Michael Tse of TCAS-II, Dr. Shipeng Li of TCSVT, Dr. Mohamad Sawan of TBioCAS, and Dr. Eduard Alarcon of JETCAS.
Fast publication is one of our goals for CAS journals. This year, we invested heavily to increase the number of pages for our main publications including IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I (TCAS-I), IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II (TCAS-II), IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS), and IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics on Circuits and Systems (JETCAS). We have allocated more than 2800 extra pages for the above journals to shorten the time from e-publication to printed version. This is the largest increase in page budget for CAS journals in recent years. Our target is for all our journals to go from e-publication to printed version in less than 6 months.
Circuits and systems are in the frontier of many emerging fields. To meet the demand of authors and readers, we created a new platform in 2018, i.e. a journal tracked conference called “International Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems” (ISICAS). It is established to attract high-quality papers while providing opportunities for authors to share their results with the public in a very short time frame. ISICAS is a new form of conference, where all accepted papers are published in the Special Issues of TCAS-I and TCAS-II in 2018. Authors are given the opportunity to present their results to a large group of an audience during the conference. The paper processing time is extremely fast, i.e. less than 6 months from paper submission to publication, which sets a record in any CAS sponsored journals. The success of ISICAS2018 inspired us to offer more to our members and authors. In 2019, in addition to TCAS-I and TCAS-II, TBioCAS will join the ISICAS2019. Authors can submit their papers to the ISICAS2019 Special Issues of TCAS-I, TCAS-II, and TBioCAS before March 1st, 2019. ISICAS2019 will be held in Venice, Italy from August 29-30, 2019. Details can be found at http://ims.unipv.it/ISICAS19/. Thanks, Prof. Franco Maloberti, Past President, and the ISICAS2019 team for this great initiative.
Member Services
As a professional society, members are the most important assets to the society. At the management level, we are committed to improving services, creating values, reaching out to the industry and YPs, and promoting Women in Engineering. Chapters are the focal points for serving our members in different regions. In 2018, we initiated the following outreach programs at the local level:
- Low Power Image Recognition Challenge
- CASS Spinoff Ideas Contest
- Industry outreach programs: (1) CAS-Silicon Valley AI for Industry Forum, and (2) IBM-CAS AI Compute Symposium
- Outreach for Student Branch Chapters
- African Workshop on Circuits and Systems
- South-East Asia Workshop on Circuits and Systems
- CAS Workshops in South China
- Local workshops for newly formed chapters
- Region 1-7 Student Research Competition
- Region 8 Chapters Workshop Tour
- Region 9 Industry Tour
- Region 10 Networking CASS Chapters
The feedback we have gotten from the above programs are very positive. We are going to invest more in chapters to boost local activities in 2019. I am happy to report that the society registered a healthy increase in its membership in 2018, i.e. 5.24% increase in overall membership, and 16.15% increase in Region 10. In addition, 4 new CAS Chapters and 6 new Student Branch Chapters were created in 2018. Thanks to Prof. Yoshifumi Nishio, VP Regional Activities & Membership, for being very active in organizing events and recruiting members.
Most IEEE journals set a “page break” on how many free pages the author(s) can have for their paper. For CAS publications such as TCAS-I, TCSVT, TBioCAS and JETCAS, the “page breaks” are 9 pages, i.e. every paper can have up to 9 free pages. After the “page break” of 9 pages, each additional page was charged at an over-length page charge of $175 per page. This over-length page charge can create a financial burden for many authors. In order to help our authors, the society has invested the operational surplus to reduce the over-length page charge from $175 to $125 per page. Furthermore, the “page breaks” for TCAS-I, TCSVT, TBioCAS, and JETCAS have increased from 9 to 11 pages in 2018, i.e. the authors will have 11 free pages for each accepted paper. We hope that the increase in “page break” and the decrease in over-length page charge will encourage authors to publish papers in CAS journals. The society will continue this practice if the operational surplus is sufficient to support it.
The review process of CAS journals relies on the EDICS (Editor’s Information Classification Scheme), which is used to help the Editor-in-Chief to select the best reviewers for a submitted paper. With the fast change in the CAS field, it is necessary to keep the EDICS up to date. Under the leadership of Prof. Eduard Alarcon (VP Technical Activities) and Prof. Manuel Delgado Restituto (VP Publications) and with the help of all Editors and Technical Committees, the existing EDICS has been reviewed and revised to clearly define the fields of interests of CAS journals. We will update the EDICS in 2019. We hope the new EDICS will help authors to better classify their papers and speed up the review process.
Continuous education is an important part of life long learning. To provide more educational resources to our members, we published four e-books in 2018,
- “Power Management for Internet of Everything” edited by Sergio Saponara (University of Pisa, Italy)
- “Enabling Technologies for the Internet of Things: Wireless Circuits, Systems, and Networks” edited by Mathieu Coustans and Catherine Dehollain (both of EPFL, Switzerland)
- “Low Power Circuit Design Using Advanced CMOS Technology” edited by Milin Zhang and Zhihua Wang (both of Tsinghua University, China), Jan Van der Spiegel (University of Pennsylvania, USA) and Franco Maloberti (University of Pavia, Italy)
- “Circuits and Systems for Biomedical Applications – UKCAS2018” edited by Hadi Heidari (University of Glasgow, UK) and Sara Ghoreishizadeh (University College London, UK).
These books are free for CAS members. You can download them from the CAS Resource Center at https://resourcecenter.cas.ieee.org/.
WiCAS (Women in Circuits and Systems) and YPs (Young Professionals) are two focus groups within CASS. WiCAS group promotes CAS activities among women engineers and researchers, while YP group helps the society to design programs suitable for young professionals. We have a dedicated WiCAS event in ISCAS every year. I welcome you to attend the WiCAS session in ISCAS2019 in Sapporo, Japan. In 2018, we also launched the YP Mentoring Sessions in CAS flagship conferences, including ISCAS2018, APCCAS2018, and ICECS2018. These mentoring sessions serve the following purposes: (1) to introduce YPs to the world of CASS; (2) to facilitate experience sharing amount members; (3) to provide advice in early career development; (4) to encourage YPs to actively participate in CAS related activities; (5) to create opportunities for YPs to volunteer their services to the society; and (6) to attract YPs to join the society. The YP sessions will be organized regularly in our flagship conferences. We encourage YP members to participate in these sessions in 2019. Thanks, Prof. Jennifer Blain Christen for leading the effort for WiCAS group and Prof. Hadi Heidari for YP Group.
I am deeply grateful to all volunteers for their hard work and commitment to serve the society, which have made these accomplishments possible. Thanks to Prof. Franco Maloberti (Past President) for leading the Nominations, Constitution and Bylaws, and Awards committees, Dr. Amara Amara (President-Elect) for chairing the Long-Term Strategy Committee, Prof. Chang Wen Chen (VP Financial Activities) for managing the finance of the society. Thanks to Prof. Pamela Abshire, Prof. Elena Blokhina, Dr. Gabriele Manganaro, Prof. Mohamad Sawan, and Prof. An-Yeu (Andy) Wu for serving the Board of Governors (BoG) in the past three years. Special thanks to the following members, who chair the various committees in the society:
- Prof. Enrico Macii, Chair of Society Fellow Evaluation Committee.
- Prof. Joos Vandewalle, Chair of Charles A. Desoer Technical Achievement Award Subcommittee.
- Prof. Randall Geiger, Chair of Society Education Award Subcommittee.
- Dr. Gabriele Manganaro, Chair of Industrial Pioneer Award Subcommittee.
- Prof. Tor Sverre Lande, Chair of Mac Van Valkenburg Award Subcommittee.
- Prof. Wouter Serdijn, Chair of Meritorious Service Award Subcommittee.
- Prof. Yoshifumi Nishio, Chair of Chapter-of-the-Year Award Subcommittee, Chair of Student Travel Awards subcommittee, Chair of Pre-Doctoral Scholarship Subcommittee.
- Prof. Manuel Delgado Restituto, Chair of Biomedical Circuits and Systems Best Paper Award Subcommittee, Chair of Circuits and Systems for Video Technology Best Paper Award Subcommittee, Chair of Darlington and Guillemin-Cauer Best Paper Awards Subcommittee, Chair of Outstanding Young Author Best Paper Award Subcommittee, Chair of Very Large Scale Integration Systems Best Paper Award Subcommittee.
- Prof. Elvis Mak, Chair of Distinguished Lecturer Selection Committee.
In 2019, we will maintain our momentum and continue to work hard to achieve our goals, i.e. to strengthen our technical leadership in the field of circuits and systems, and to create value for our members. I invite you to join us to make CASS a better home for all our members. I thank you once again for what you have done, and what great things I anticipate that you will do for the society in 2019.
Yong Lian, President of IEEE CAS Society 2018-2019