Executive Committee Nomination for the Term 2017-2018

Each year, the members of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) elect several members of the Executive Committee to serve the Society starting at the beginning of the following year. This year we are electing members for the following officer positions. The persons elected to these positions will serve the Society for the 2017-2018 term:

  • Vice President Financial Activities
  • Vice President Publications

Descriptions of the duties of these officers and eligibility criteria can be found in the CASS Constitution and Bylaws.

CASS is a professional volunteer-based organization. It is essential that we elect energetic and engaged leaders who will organize activities that will meet the needs of entire Circuits and Systems community and who will guide our Society into the future. As a CASS member, you are in an excellent position to know the strengths of your fellow members and how they can best serve our community. As you consider potential nominees, please take into account that CASS wishes to promote diversity in every possible dimension. As such, CASS would love to receive nominations that also complete the current composition of its Executive Committee with respect to, to name a few, technical, gender and geographic diversity.

Complete candidate nominations must be received by close of business (5:00 pm EDT) on September 1, 2016 in order to be considered.

Nomination Process

There are two options for adding nominees to the election slate. Nominators should indicate which of the following two options they prefer.

(1) The first option is to nominate by petition. The IEEE rule regarding the nomination petition process states: “For all positions where the electorate is less than 30,000 voting members, signatures shall be required from 2% of the eligible voters.” The number of signatures required on a petition shall depend on the number of eligible voters, as listed in the official IEEE membership records, at the end of the year preceding the election.” For CASS in 2016, this implies that we need 183 signatures on a petition for a nominee to be automatically placed on the election ballot. Note: Signatures from student members and affiliate members are not allowed. Graduate student members are eligible to sign a petition as well as vote in the election. If you wish to be nominated by petition, please email by any time before 1 September, 2016. The CAS Administrator will then setup a web-based petitioning system that will automatically authenticate petition “signatures”. According to IEEE rules, a candidate with a valid nomination by petition is guaranteed to be on the ballot. Please note that only signatures received by close of business (5:00 pm EDT) on September 1, 2016 will be considered.

(2) The second option involves the Nominations Committee, which may also place candidates on the ballot at its discretion.

Nomination Documents

A complete nomination must include all items indicated by an asterisk in the nomination form. These items include data for the Candidate and the Nominator, a Candidate Photo, a Candidate Position Statement (limited to 1500 words) and a Candidate Biography (limited to 700 words), which needs to describe the most important contributions of the candidate (for CASS or in other organizations) which makes him/her particularly suitable for the specific position he/she is running for.

Nomination Submission

The Nomination Form must be submitted by September 1, 2016 through the CASS website to Gianluca Setti, Chair of the CASS Nominations Committee.

Executive Committee Nomination Form for the Term 2017-2018

The Nominations Committee greatly encourages you to recommend suitable candidates for these elections. Our strength as a society is not only in our engineering expertise, but also in our societal spirit including the sharing of information with each other. This we can do best when we have a strong organization with engaged members.

Gianluca Setti
Chair, 2016 Nominations Committee
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society

© IEEE CAS Society 2016