MWSCAS 2018,
(AUGUST 2018)

The IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS) will be held in Windsor, Canada 5-8 August 2018. The general theme of the MWSCAS 2018 is "Cars of 21st Century and Beyond". MWSCAS 2018 will include oral and poster sessions, student paper contest, tutorials given by experts in circuits and systems topics, and special sessions.
Important Dates:
- Submission of Regular Papers: 15 April 2018
- Special Session Proposals: 15 April 2018
- M.Sc./Ph.D. Papers, Demo and Tutorial Proposals: 15 April 2018
- Notification of Special Session Proposal Acceptance: 21 April 2018
- Submission of Special Session Papers: 31 April 2018
- Notification of Acceptance: 30 May 2018
- Final Submission: 15 June 2018
Prospective authors are invited to submit a full paper (4 pages) describing original work. Only electronic submissions will be accepted through the online submission system.
The IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) is the world's premier networking forum for leading researchers in the highly active fields of theory, design and implementation of circuits and systems. ISCAS is the flagship conference of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. ISCAS 2019 will be held in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan from May 26 to 29, 2019. ISCAS 2019 will have a special focus on Circuits and Systems for Sustainable Society in Harmony with Nature, and seeks to address multidisciplinary challenges in circuits and systems. The symposium will include oral and poster sessions, live demonstrations, tutorials given by experts on state-of-the-art topics, and special sessions, with the aim of complementing the regular program with emerging topics of particular interest to the circuits and systems community.
To implement the above vision, this year’s meeting will highlight the following innovation themes:
- Society 5.0 - Human-centric Society
- Sustainable Computing and Systems
- Energy-aware Systems and Services
- Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
- Smart Systems for Automotive
- Cyber-Physical Systems
- AI, IoT and Big Data Processing
The topics include, but are not limited to:
- Analog/Mixed Signal Circuits & Systems
- Beyond CMOS: Nano & Hybrid Systems
- Biomedical Circuits & Systems
- Communications Circuits & Systems
- Digital Circuits & Systems
- Digital Signal Processing
- Neural Networks & Neuromorphic Engineering
- Nonlinear Systems & Circuit Theory
- Power and Energy Circuits & Systems
- Sensory Circuits & Systems
- Visual Communications & Multimedia Signal Processing
- Education in Circuits & Systems
Important Dates:
SBCCI 2018, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
(AUGUST 2018)

SBCCI is an international forum dedicated to integrated circuits and systems design, test and electronic design automation (EDA), held annually in Brazil. The 31th SBCCI will take place in Bento Gonçalves, the main wine region in Brazil. The goal of the symposium is to bring together researchers in the areas of EDA, design and test of integrated circuits and systems. The scope of the symposium includes technical sessions, tutorials and panels, as well as an exhibition and working group meetings.
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission: March 20th, 2018
Paper Submission Deadline: March 27th, 2018
Rebuttal period: May 3rd-10th, 2018
Notification of Acceptance: May 15th, 2018
Camera-Ready Deadline: June 5th, 2018
- Special Session proposals: Oct 5, 2018
- Papers submission: Oct 15, 2018
- Live Demo proposals: Nov 19, 2018
- Tutorial proposals: Dec 17, 2018
- Notification of acceptance: Jan 14, 2019
- Final submission deadline: Feb 18, 2019
Symposium Website:
IEEE ISICAS, Taormina, Italy (September 2018)
The International Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems (ISICAS) invites high-quality submissions for presenting original work in the areas of integrated Circuits and Systems. Topics in the area of analog, digital, power, energy, biomedidical, sensor interfaces, and communication systems are welcome. The submission should describe integrated implementations, in hybrid, SiP, or SoC forms of circuits or systems with experimental results.
The symposium will not produce proceedings; all the accepted papers will be published in two special issues of TCAS-I and TCAS-II (in the ratio of 1 to 2) shortly after the results are presented at ISICAS 2018. See the conference website for details.
Submission deadline for papers: March 31, 2018
Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2018
Conference website:
IEEE IWCSN, Nanjing, China (October 2018)
BioCAS 2018, Cleveland, Ohio, USA (Oct 2018)

BioCAS 2018 is a premier international forum for presenting the interdisciplinary research and development activities at the crossroads of medicine, life sciences, physical sciences and engineering that shape tomorrow’s medical devices and healthcare systems.
Submission Guidelines
The complete 4-page paper (in standard IEEE double-column format), including the title, authors’ names, affiliations and e-mail addresses, as well as a short abstract and an optional demonstration video link (3 minute max) are requested. Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format through
Monday, April 23, 2018: Special Session Proposal Deadline
Monday, June 11, 2018: Regular Paper Submission Deadline
Monday, July 16, 2018: Live Demo Submission Deadline
Monday, August 13, 2018: Author Notification Date
Friday, August 31, 2018: Author Registration/Final Paper Submission Deadline
In 2004, a cross-disciplinary satellite workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and complexity in Information and Communication Technology was successfully organized by the Advanced Research Center on Electronic Systems for Information and Communication Technologies at Bologna, Italy. In the following year, the Centre for Chaos and Complex Networks at City University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University organized a workshop of similar scale and scope in Hong Kong, and the 2005 workshop was named International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks (IWCSN). In the subsequent years, the workshop continued to be organized, under the same title, by different groups in Vancouver, Guilin, Canberra, Bristol, Beijing, Melbourne and Minneapolis, Vancouver, Shanghai, Perth, Atlanta and Doha. In 2013, the workshop began to be organized under the auspice of IEEE Circuits and Systems Society and has since then included IEEE in its official title. It has now become a regular annual meeting for researchers in the emerging area of complex systems and networks to exchange ideas and renew friendship.
The 2018 workshop will be held on October 19-20, 2018, at Southeast University, Nanjing, China. The workshop website is:
LASCAS 2019, Armenia, Columbia (February 2019)

LASCAS is the Flagship Conference of IEEE's Circuits and Systems Society in Latin America. Since its inception and first edition in 2010, LASCAS aims at presenting a high-quality forum for researchers and graduate students to present the advances of their work, amidst an international audience with experts from all over the world.
This 9th edition will take place in the port of Puerto Vallarta, a quaint city with many an interesting anecdote to tell, a gamut of restaurants to choose from, and spectacular views and breath-taking sunsets on the Pacific horizon.
Important Dates:
- Tutorial proposals: October 6, 2017
- Special Session Proposal: October 6, 2017
- Paper Submission: October 20, 2017 NOW November 3, 2017
- Notification of acceptace: November 21, 2017 NOW December 1st, 2017
- Camera-ready: December 20, 2017