IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Newsletter | Volume 18 | Issue 4 | August 2024 | CURRENT/PAST ISSUES


Call for Participation

IEEE CASS Standard Committees and Working and Study Groups

The IEEE CASS Standards Committee is seeking participation for IEEE CASS Standard Committees and Working and Study Groups. 

This new initiative promotes and fosters academic and industry participation for standards-related work in our four standard committee (1) IC Design and Test for Emerging Circuits and Systems Standards Committee (ICSC), (2) Domain-Specific Accelerators Standards Committee (DSASC), (3) Flexible and Wearable Circuits and Systems Standards Committee (FWSC), and (4) Hardware Security Standards Committee (HSSC) and its respective Working Groups and Study Groups.

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Professionals interested in participating in IEEE CASS SASD activities such as becoming part of Standard Committees, Study Groups, Working Groups by signing up through the form below.

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Call for CASS Executive Committee Officer Nominations (2025-2026 Term)

Each year, the members of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) nominate several members to the Executive Committee (ExCom) to serve the Society starting at the beginning of the following year. This year we are calling for nominations for the following officer positions to serve the Society for the 2025-2026 term:

  • Vice President - Financial Activities
  • Vice President - Publications
  • Vice President - Education and Communications
  • Vice President - Industry (New Position)

Descriptions of the officer positions, duties, and eligibility criteria can be found in the CASS Constitution and the CASS Bylaws.

CASS is a professional volunteer-based organization. It is essential that we elect energetic and engaged leaders who will organize activities that will meet the needs of the entire Circuits and Systems community and who will guide our Society into the future. As a CASS member, you are in an excellent position to know the strengths of your fellow members and how they can best serve our community. As you consider potential nominees, please take into account that CASS wishes to promote diversity in every possible dimension. As such, CASS would love to receive nominations that also complete the current composition of its Executive Committee with respect to, to name a few, technical, gender, and geographic diversity.

Complete candidate nominations must be received by close of business (5:00 PM EDT (UTC -5:00)) on 30 September 2024, in order to be considered.

Nomination Process

There are two options for adding nominees to the election slate. Nominators should indicate which of the following two options they prefer.

  1. The first option is to nominate by petition. The CASS Bylaws regarding the nomination petition process states: “Nomination petitions for the officers appointed by the Board of Governors require signatures from at least 22% of the voting members of the Board of Governors. The petition must be submitted to the Nominations Committee, together with the biography and position statement of the candidate no later than 28 days prior to the scheduled opening of the appointment ballot." Please contact the Society Operations Manager prior to 30 September 2024 should you care to nominate an individual by petition.
  2. The second option involves forwarding the nomination to the Nominations Committee, which may also place candidates on the ballot at its discretion. Forwarded nominations should be submitted to the nomination form, here.

Nomination Documents

A complete nomination must include all items indicated by an asterisk in the nomination form. These items include data for the Candidate and the Nominator, a Candidate Photo, a Candidate Position Statement (limited to 150-200 words), and a Candidate Biography (limited to 350 words), which needs to describe the most important contributions of the candidate (for CASS or in other organizations) which makes him/her particularly suitable for the specific position he/she is running for.

  1. Candidate Position Statement: 
    • The position statement should state their plans and how they will help support the society if elected to 150-200 words.
  2. Candidate Biography:
    • The biography should include topics demonstrating the nominee's experience relevant to the position, specifically emphasizing society and/or IEEE activities/responsibilities to be no more than 350 words.
  3. An electronic Candidate Photograph - taken within the last two years (optional)

Nomination Submission

The nomination form must be submitted by 30 September 2024 through the CASS website to Manuel Delgado-Restituto, Chair of the CASS Nominations Committee.

The Nominations Committee encourages you to recommend suitable candidates for these elections. Our strength as a society is not only in our engineering expertise but also in our societal spirit. The Society does its best when we have a strong organization with engaged membership. 

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Electioneering Policies

To ensure all activities comply with IEEE policies, please review the IEEE Policies, Sections 13, 14, and 9.28. Each candidate should confirm that they agree to adhere to the IEEE Policies and guidelines. There are general electioneering guidelines with Q&As available on the IEEE Election Campaign Resources website

IEEE CASS 75th Anniversary Celebration: Volunteer Opportunities

IEEE Circuit and Systems Society is celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2024. With the successful organization of the Global Celebration event, we aim to continue the IEEE CASS 75th Anniversary Global Celebration for the remainder of 2024 with:

                    1. Chapter and Student Branch Chapter Events
                    2. Online Trivia Quiz
                    3. #CASS75 Social Media Campaign
The Organizing Committee is seeking nominations for champions from each chapters and student branch chapters to represent and promote the global celebration events. Top-performing champions will be recognized for their contributions. The nominated champion is to complete the volunteer position form using the link below.

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For inquiries, please contact the IEEE CASS 75th Anniversary Global Celebration Team here.

CASS 75th Anniversary Celebration (#CASS75) Social Media Campaign

Join us in celebrating the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society's (CASS) 75th Anniversary with our special social media campaign! We invite all IEEE CASS members to share their journeys and memories with CASS through creative video or picture submissions. Reflect on this remarkable anniversary and be part of our global celebration. Your participation not only honors our rich history but also inspires future generations in the field of circuits and systems.

 Open to all IEEE CASS members.

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  1. Type: Choose between a video or a picture
  2. Theme: Reflect on the 75th Anniversary, sharing your journey with CASS or related celebratory posts
  3. Originality: Ensure your submission is original
  4. Format:
    1. Videos: High-resolution, no longer than 60 seconds
    2. Pictures: High-resolution
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  1. Hashtag: Use #CASS75
  2. Caption: Include a creative description or message
  3. Tagging: 
    1. X/Twitter: @ieeecassociety
    2. LinkedIn: @ieee circuits and systems society
    3. Facebook: @ieeecas

Reminder: Set your post to public

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  1. Engagement: Encourage likes, comments, and shares your post
  2. Interaction: Respond to comments and engage with your audience
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  1. Monthly Deadlines: Post submission by the last day of each month
  2. Winner Announcement: Announced within the first week of the following month
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The winners will be selected based on the following criteria:
●    Most engaged posts
●    Most creative content and caption

Monthly Prizes: Customized 75th CASS Anniversary $50 gift card.

Example Submission

  • Caption: "Celebrating 75 years of innovation and excellence with IEEE CASS! #IEEE75CASS @IEEE Circuits and Systems Society"
  • Content: A creative video montage of members sharing their experiences and birthday wishes.

Need Help?

  • Support: If you have any questions or issues, contact the IEEE CASS support team at or send a direct message on social media.

Your contributions have truly made this celebration memorable. Thank you once again for your unwavering support and participation.



2024 Student Travel Grants Round Four

The IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) offers Student Travel Support to enable the recipients to present their research work at CASS Flagship Conferences.

Important Dates:

  • Submission deadline: 15 September 2024

Selection Criteria:
Student(s) receiving these grants must have had their papers selected for presentation at the CASS flagship conference(s) they plan to attend or have attended within the current year that the award is being given.

  • In the case the grant is for attending a conference occurring after the grant application deadline, a faculty member must confirm that the nominee:
    • is an undergraduate or graduate student and
    • is an IEEE CASS student member.
  • In the case of reimbursement for attending a conference that occurred before the application deadline, it is sufficient to confirm that the nominee:
    • was an undergraduate or graduate student at the time of the conference, and
    • is an IEEE CASS member and
    • was an IEEE CASS student member at the time of the conference.
  • The nominee must furnish written proof that the paper was accepted at the conference (e.g. email notification from the Technical Program Committee).
  • The nominee must state in the application that he/she will attend or has attended the conference to present the paper.    

Read the full description on the CASS website, here

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