IEEE ISCAS 2024, Singapore, May 19-22, 2024
The IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) is the flagship conference of the IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society and the world’s premier forum for researchers in the active fields of theory, design and implementation of circuits and systems. ISCAS 2024 is inspired by the theme "circuits and systems for sustainable development", which is perfectly aligned with the host city's goal.
The symposium highlights a wide range of innovatition themes including: Artificial Intelligent and Deep Learning, Smart Systems for Automotive, Brain: Innovation Neurotechnologies, Intelligent Cyber Security Systems, Food Security and Climate Change, Ultra Low Power Circuits and Systems.
Special initiatives include: Emerging Technologies Workshops on Information Security, Climate Change, and GeronCAS; Cross-Society Special Sessions which is co-organized by CASS and other IEEE societies/councils, on recent attractive themes for cross-disciplinary collaboration; and Special Sections in IEEE Transactions (invited publication in TCAS-I, TCAS-II, TBioCAS).
Symposium Website:
IEEE AICAS, Abu Dhabi, UAE (April 2024)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is driving a revolution in information technology as well as in many industries. New computing paradigms are required to support the emerging AI algorithms and applications, running on a diversity of platforms, from edge devices to cloud servers and from circuit level to system level. Addressing this challenge and opportunity, the AICAS conference has been established as the premier conference of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society to promote and facilitate state-of-the-art research, innovation, and development activities at the frontiers of artificial intelligence circuits and systems. It serves as an excellent platform allowing world scholars, technology researchers, and industry to exchange experiences, demonstrate their studies, and further advance AI circuits and systems technologies.
Conference Topics
- Circuits and systems for AI
- AI for Circuits and Systems
- Deep learning/machine learning/AI algorithms
- Tools/platforms for AI
- Architecture for AI computing
- Hardware/software co-design and design automation for AI systems
- Advanced neural network design
- Neuromorphic circuits, processors, and systems and their applications
- Emerging applications: Internet-of-things, healthcare, smart factories, environment
- Emerging devices and materials for AI
- Computer vision algorithms and architectures
- Recommendation system, language/text processing
- Autonomous/unmanned vehicles and drone
- Robotics and automation
- Metaverse and AR/VR
- Deep learning/machine learning for Future Wireless Communications
Important Dates:
- 20 October 2023: Submission of Tutorial Proposals / Special Session Proposals
- 20 November 2023: Acceptance Notification of Tutorial Proposals/ Special Session Proposals
- 23 November 2023: Submission of Regular / Special Session Papers and Live Demos
- 15 January 2024: Acceptance Notification of Regular / Special Session Papers and Live Demos
- 15 January 2024: Notification of Paper Acceptance
- 15 February 2024: Submission of Camera-ready Papers
Conference website:
IEEE Life Member Conference, Austin, USA (April 2024)

We are excited to announce the inaugural Life Member Conference, designed to strengthen the engagement of IEEE's 38,000 Life Members in shaping our collective future. Life Members represent all disciplines across the IEEE's fields of interest. We are also dedicated to giving back and sharing our expertise with the next generation. The conference has three tracks:

Our growing list of speakers include Rodney Brooks (iRobot), John McDonald (GE), Whurley (Strangeworks), Manuela Veloso (JP Morgan), Bernie Sander (AMD), Julie Shah (MIT) (and more!). Speaker commitments are ongoing and over the summer and fall, we’ll have a large list of exciting and engaging speakers, keynotes and topics to share. Join other Life Members, Senior Members, influencers, innovators, technical professionals, and members of the STEM community in Austin for this inaugural event. Registration will be limited, so be sure to secure your spot early.
Stay tuned for further details about the conference at and our social media channels.
NEWCAS 2024, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada (June 2024)

The 22nd IEEE Interregional NEWCAS Conference (NEWCAS 2024) will be held in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, from 16-19 June 2024. More details coming soon.
RFIC 2024, Washington DC, USA (June 2024)
The 2024 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC 2024) is the premier forum focused exclusively on presenting the latest research results in RF, millimeter-wave, and wireless integrated circuits. Continuing in 2024: RFIC has expanded its focus to include systems, applications, and interactive demonstrations, including mobile systems for 5G and beyond, radar, imaging, satellite communications, terahertz, biomedical, and optoelectronic systems.
Technical Areas: The symposium solicits papers describing original work in all areas related to RF, mm-Wave, THz, and wireless systems and ICs. Work must be demonstrated through IC hardware results and measurements.
Format and Location: The 2024 symposium is planned as an in-person conference. Events will be held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC. RFIC 2024 starts on Sunday, June 16, 2024, with a large selection of workshops followed by two plenary talks and a reception featuring our top industry and student papers. Monday and Tuesday, June 17-18 will comprise oral presentations, panel sessions and student event.
Microwave Week 2024: RFIC 2024 kicks off Microwave Week. The week continues with the International Microwave Symposium and then the ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference. This week is the world’s largest and most important gathering of RF and microwave professionals in the field with more than 9000 participants.
Industry Exhibition: A three-day Exhibition typically showcases more than 900 Exhibitors who represent the stateof-the-art of the industry covering everything needed for RF and microwave design. More on the format of the 2024 Exhibition is found on both RFIC and IMS websites.
Electronic Submission Deadlines :
Manuscript in PDF format: January 9, 2024
Final Manuscripts for the RFIC Digest: March 7, 2024
MWSCAS 2024, Springfield, MA, USA (August 2024)
Welcome to Springfield Western Mass! We’re a region of discovery and innovation with one-of-a-kind attractions and cultural events like no other. This is where Dr. Seuss dreamed of a Cat in the Hat. From historic New England villages to literary legacies, white water rapids to outlet shops, we’ve got what it takes to make you say, “Wow”. Western Mass is the birthplace of basketball, volleyball and Yankee Candles. We’re the site of the nation’s first arsenal, the only six-state fair and home to åSix Flags, New England’s largest theme and Water Park. We’re a region of firsts!
The 2024 IEEE 67th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS) is the North American flagship conference of the IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society. The theme for MWSCAS 2024 is “Driving the future of Integrated Microelectronics: Analog, Digital & Photonics to address global societal needs”
The conference will include oral and poster sessions, student paper contest, special sessions and tutorials given by experts in circuits and systems topics. and special sessions.
BioCAS 2024, Xi’an, China (October 2024)
BioCAS 2024 is a premier international forum for presenting interdisciplinary research and development activities at the crossroads of medicine, life sciences, physical sciences and engineering that shape tomorrow's medical devices and healthcare systems. This conference, to be held on October 24-26, 2024, brings together members of our communities to broaden their knowledge in emerging areas of research at the interface of life sciences and circuits and systems engineering. The three-day single- track program of BioCAS 2024 is multidisciplinary with topics including but not limited to:
- Biosensor Devices and Interface Circuits
- Body Area/Sensor Networks and Wireless Health Monitoring
- Implantable and Wearable Health Devices and systems
- Bio-Inspired and Neuromorphic Circuits and Systems
- Electronics for Neuroscience
- Innovative Circuits for Medical Applications, Biofeedback, Neuromodulation, and Closed-Loop Systems
- Assistive, Rehabilitation, and Quality of Life Technologies
- Biotelemetry and Energy Harvesting/Scavenging Circuits and Systems
- Lab-on-Chip / BioMEMS / Point-of-Care Devices
Key Dates:
- Friday, April 12, 2024: Special Session Proposal Deadline
- Friday, May 17, 2024: Regular Paper Submission Deadline
- Friday, July 5, 2024: Live Demo Submission Deadline
- Friday, August 9, 2024: Author Notification Date
- Friday, August 23, 2024: BioCAS Student Travel Grants Application Deadline
- Friday, September 6, 2024: Author Registration/Final Paper Submission Deadline
- Friday, October 4, 2024: Conference Registration
APCCAS 2024, Taipei, Taiwan (November 2024)
The 20th edition of the Region 10 flagship conference of IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS), the Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS 2024) will be held in Taipei, Taiwan from 7-9 November 2024.
More information coming soon.
ICECS 2024, Nancy, France (November 2024)
ICECS (International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems) is an international conference dedicated to circuits and systems, held annually in Region 8 (EU, Africa, and the Middle East). The 31st edition of this IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Region 8 flagship conference will take place in Nancy, France, 18-20 November, 2024. The congress is an annual event designed to bring together industrial players and academics, to communicate on the latest advances in the discipline and to encourage exchanges on current issues.
- May 27, 2024: Special Sessions and Tutorials Proposal Deadline
- June 3, 2024: Paper Submission Deadline
- September 23, 2024: Final Paper Submission Deadline
- June 3, 2024: Notification of Special Sessions and Tutorials Acceptance
- September 2, 2024: Notification of Paper Acceptance
- October 1, 2024: Early Registration Deadline