IEEE Celebrates its 125th Anniversary in 2009
Throughout 2009, we will celebrate 125 years of innovation and ingenuity with special events online and across the globe. Special events including workshops, student contests, etc. will be organized, and you can help make this special year more meaningful by attending, hosting and planning special events for us. For details please see http://www.ieee125.org/celebrate/index.html.
Be part of it!
Guidelines for CAS Society Chapters Seeking Subsidies
Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) Chapters are eligible for up to $2,000 a year to subsidize chapter maintenance costs. CASS joint chapters are eligible for up to $1,000 a year. Joint chapters in their first year may receive up to $2,000. Chapter subsidies are issued only once a year and are not automatically renewed for subsequent years.
The following information will help you apply for a CASS Chapter Subsidy:
  1. 1.You must apply by 15 November 2008 to be funded for the following year. Send your application via email to Heidi Zazza, CASS Executive Director, at h.zazza@ieee.org, Please use “08-SubsidyRequest” in the subject line of your e-mail in order to help the Subsidy Committee when sorting applications.
  2. 2.If you received a subsidy last year, you must provide a brief report detailing the expenses that  were subsidized as a demonstration of effective use of prior funding.
  3. 3.Your Chapter Subsidy Application should contain the following information.
  1.  briefly describe the activities to be funded 
  2.  briefly describe the anticipated benefits for the Chapter and CASS 
  1. specify the total amount requested from CASS
  2. specify additional IEEE Section or local industry support 
  3. for joint chapters, specify additional subsidies being requested from other sponsoring societies to match your CASS request.
Background Information:
Report on how you used previous CASS or other IEEE subsidies last year. 
4. Activities which are considered fundable include: 
  1. routine meeting expenses 
  2. membership promotion 
  3. newsletters
  4. web development 
  5. travel allowances for speakers invited to chapter events (excluding CASS Distinguished Lecturers, who are funded separately by the Society’s DL program; a current roster is available at http://ewh.ieee.org/soc/icss/dlp.php).
  6. educational activities 
  7. support for student activities at local institutions. 
Separate Application Required: Please note that one­time special events must be  submitted individually for each event separately from chapter maintenance
5. After your request is received, the following procedures will be followed: 
Each request will be reviewed by the CASS Subsidy Committee. 
Decisions will be announced by 15 December 2008, the first quarter of the following year. Checks or wired transfers will be completed once up to date chapter banking information has been provided to the CASS Executive Office.
At the end of each funding cycle, the Chapter should submit a report on the supported activities to the CASS Executive Director. If another subsidy is desired the following year, the new request may be combined with the report.