IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Newsletter | Volume 18 | Issue 4 | August 2024 | CURRENT/PAST ISSUES


The IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Newsletter is an electronic publication aiming to provide a fast circulation of the latest technological advances, research developments and news that are of interest to the members of the Circuits and Systems Society. Taking advantage of fast and flexible electronic distribution, this publication will have a flexible coverage. We aim to cover 

  • technology news and forecasts; 
  • reviews and evaluations of latest research developments; 
  • books, softwares, products reviews; 
  • society news, e.g., members’ news, awards, newly elected IEEE Fellows; 
  • reports and announcements of conferences and workshops; publication news, e.g., paper awards, top-cited papers, announcements of special issues; 
  • links to news archives, e.g., CASS-sponsored conferences, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer program, etc.; 
  • appointments, jobs, scholarships news, new PhDs.

Areas that have already been covered in other CAS publications would, in principle, not be covered in this publication. However, exceptionally important news that are of interest to members would be published despite possible repetitions in other CAS publications. We will minimize such redundancy by hyperlinking to the appropriate sources instead of repeating the contents of the news.

The general philosophies of this electronic publication are
• relevance to CAS members
• publish-as-news-arrive (hence speedy publication but variable size of each issue)
• minimal editorial interference (hence ownership is CAS membership, NOT the editorial board)
• minimal screening (hence a free platform for all CAS members) 

For some initial thoughts and background of this new publication, we refer readers to the Editorial that appeared in the inaugural issue. If you have any interesting stories or important news to share, please contact the Editor-in-Chief or any member of the Editorial Board by email.