IEEE ISCAS 2020, Seville, Spain, May 17-20, 2020

The IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) is the flagship conference of the IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society and the world’s premiere networking forum for researchers in the highly active fields of theory, design and implementation of circuits and systems. This is accomplished through technical conference sessions, poster sessions, live demonstration sessions, and publication of conference papers. ISCAS 2020 will be driven by the theme Deploying CASS Knowledge towards Society Grand Challenges aiming to emphasize the potential of the CAS Society to find multidisciplinary solutions for the societal and engineering challenges of our times.
To implement the above vision, this year’s meeting will highlight the following innovation themes:
- Emerging Technologies
- Smart Systems for Automotive
- Cognitive Computing & Deep Learning
- Personalized Healthcare Systems
- Brain: Innovation NeuroTechnologies
- Internet of Things
- Big Data Processing
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cyber-Physical Systems
- Sustainable Computing and Systems
- Energy-aware Systems and Services
- 5G and Multi-Gigabit Optoelectronics Comm
By collecting contributions in all areas of Circuits and Systems, including but not limited to the following topics:
- Analog / RF / Mixed Signal Circuits & Systems
- Beyond CMOS: Nano & Hybrid Systems
- Communications Circuits & Systems
- Neural Networks & Neuromorphic Engineering
- Power and Energy Circuits & Systems
- Visual Communications & Multimedia Signal Processing
- Biomedical Circuits & Systems
- Digital Circuits & Systems
- Digital Signal Processing
- Nonlinear Systems & Circuit Theory
- Sensory Circuits & Systems
- Education in Circuits & System
Important Dates:
- Special Session proposals: Oct 7, 2019
- Papers submission: Oct 20, 2019
- Live Demo proposals: Nov 3, 2019
- Special Session Papers submission: Nov 17, 2019
- Tutorial proposals: Dec 9, 2019
- Notification of acceptance: Dec 29, 2019
- Final submission deadline: Jan 28, 2020
Symposium Website:
AICAS 2020, Genoa, Italy (March 2020)

AICAS is an initiative of the IEEE Circuit and Systems Society (CASS) that brings the IEEE CASS together with the explosion of investment in artificial intelligence technology. AICAS aims to stand between ISSCC (solid state circuits) and machine learning conferences like NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, as major reference conference spanning from theory to physical circuits and systems for AI. AICAS 2020 will be held in March 23-25, 2020 in Genoa, Italy.
The topics covered by the technical sessions include (but are not limited to):
- Circuits and systems for AI
- Deep learning/machine learning/AI algorithms
- Tools/Platforms for AI
- Architectures for AI computing
- Edge and cloud AI computing platforms
- Hardware accelerators
- Neuromorphic circuits, processors and systems and their applications
- Hardware/software co-design and design automation for AI systems
- Advanced neural network design
- Emerging applications: Internet-of-Things, healthcare, autonomous vehicles, smart factories, environment
- Emerging devices and materials for AI
Authors of selected best papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their work for publication in IEEE JETCAS special issue. Online submissions will be accepted via ePapers. Papers will comply with IEEE conference template and camera ready manuscripts will be checked for IEEExplore compliance. Regular and Special Session Papers length is maximum 4 pages, plus up to 1 page for references (ONLY)), or maximum 1 page for Live demos, please refer to the detailed information for authors.
Conference Website:
ISQED 2020, Santa Clara, USA (March 2020)

The 21st International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED 2020) is the premier interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary Electronic Design conference—bridges the gap among Electronic/Semiconductor ecosystem members providing electronic design tools, integrated circuit technologies, semiconductor technology,packaging, assembly & test to achieve total design quality. Current and all past ISQED events have been held with the technical sponsorship of IEEE CASS, IEEE EDS, and IEEE Reliability Society. All past Conference proceedings & Papers have been published in IEEE Xplore digital library and indexed by Scopus.
Conference website:
VLSI DAT 2020, Hsinchu, Taiwan (April 2020)

The 2020 International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation and Test (2020 VLSI-DAT) will again be held in the Ambassador Hotel, Hsinchu, Taiwan during April 20-23, 2020. Organized by Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) and technically cooperation with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the VLSI-DAT symposium provides excellent opportunities for industrial and scientific researchers via presentations and discussions on innovations and achievements related to VLSI design, automation and test. It also includes various hot topics,such as AI, IoT and bio-medical electronics.
In 2020, the VLSI-DAT and the VLSI-TSA will be held in the same week with four-day overlap. In response to the need of interactions between the technology and design communities, delegates registered for either 2020 VLSI-DAT or 2020 VLSI-TSA will be able to attend the program of both symposia. Original unpublished papers are solicited. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore after being presented in the symposium.
Conference website:
NEWCAS 2020, Montréal, Canada (June 2020)
The 18th IEEE International NEWCAS Conference will be held in Montréal, Canada, on June 16-19, 2020, at the SOFITEL Hotel. The program of the conference will be tailored to reflect the wide spectrum of topics and research interest shared among the organizing entities. This collaboration will be oriented towards advanced research in adaptive systems which constitutes the highlights of the NEWCAS conference, but also areas related to analog and digital signal processing, low power consumption, circuits and systems designs.
The topics include, but are not limited to:
- Analog/mixed-signal circuits
- Biomedical circuits and systems
- CAD and design tools
- Communication circuits and systems
- Test and verification
- RF & microwave circuits
- Computer architecture and memory
- Digital circuits
- Digital signal processing
- Imaging and image sensors
- Low-power low-voltage designs
- Embedded systems
- Energy harvesting circuits
- Sensory circuits and systems
- Neuromorphic circuits & systems
- Technology Trends
The deadline for full paper submission has been extended to February 17, 2020 23:59 (GMT – 0700).
Conference website:
MWSCAS 2020, Springfield, MA, USA (August 2020)
On behalf of the organizing committee for the 63rd IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, we are pleased to invite you to MWSCAS 2020 to be held at the Springfield Sheraton Hotel in Springfield, Massachusetts, 9-12 August 2020. MWSCAS is the oldest Circuits and Systems Symposium sponsored by IEEE and is now the IEEE CASS North American flagship conference.
Our conference theme this year is Electrical & Computer Engineering: Making the Future Happen! Its main focus will be on the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence. MWSCAS 2020 will include oral and poster sessions, a student paper contest, tutorials given by experts in circuits and systems, and special sessions. Conference session topics include all areas of electronic circuits and systems covering the latest innovations. There are eleven tracks as listed below:
- Analog Circuits and Systems
- Digital Circuits and Systems
- Communications Circuits and Systems
- RF and Wireless Circuits and Systems
- Sensor Circuits and Systems
- Converter Circuits and Systems
- Signal and Image Processing
- Hardware Design
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT)
- Hardware Security
- Smart Power
Important Dates for MWSCAS 2020:
- 17 February 2020 - Tutorial and Special Sessions proposals submission deadline
- 23 March 2020 - Regular paper submission deadline
- 30 April 2020 - Notice of paper acceptance
- 20 May 2020 - Camera-Ready paper due for all papers
Confernce website:
SiPS 2020, Coimbra, Portugal (Oct 2020)
The IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS) is a premier international forum in the area of design and implementation of signal processing systems. This is the first time SiPS takes place in Coimbra, Portugal, featuring a comprehensive program, including technical workshops, tutorials, demonstrations and exhibitions. Top notch research and experiences related with hardware and software optimization and implementation of signal processing systems, machine learning for signal processing, design methods of signal processing systems and signal processing application systems are welcome. The prime theme of the 2020 edition addresses all kinds of novel investigation «Towards Intelligent and Energy-Efficient Signal Processing Systems». We invite prospective authors to submit 6-page (max.) original papersin areasincluding, but not limited to:
- Software Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
- Hardware Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
- Machine Learning for Signal Processing
- Design Methods of Signal Processing Systems
- Signal Processing Application Systems
Important Dates
- Technical Papers: 1st April 2020
- Special Session Proposal: 1st May 2020
- Tutorial Proposals: 1st April 2020
Conference Website:
ICECS 2020, Glasgow, Scotland (Nov 2020)
ICECS is an international conference dedicated to circuits and systems, held annually in Region 8 (EU, Africa and Middle-east). The 27th edition of this IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Region 8 flagship conference will take place in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom. The scope of the conference will focus and not limited to:
- Analog/mixed-signal/RF circuits
- Biomedical and Bio-Inspired Circuits and Systems
- EDA, Test and Reliability
- Digital circuits and systems
- Linear and Non-linear Circuits
- Low-Power Low-Voltage Design
- Microsystems
- Neural networks, Machine and Deep Learning
- Sensors and Sensing Systems
- Signal Processing, Image and Video
- VLSI Systems and Applications
A selection of the top accepted papers will be invited to submit an extended version for Journals supported by IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.
Important Dates:
- Special Sessions Deadline: May 31, 2020
- Tutorial Deadline: June 30, 2020
- Submission Deadline: June 30, 2020
- Notification of Acceptance: August 31, 2020
- Final Submission Deadline: September 20, 2020
Conference website: