IEEE ISCAS 2023, Monterey, USA, May 21-25, 2023
The IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) is the flagship conference of the IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society and the world’s premiere forum for researchers in the active fields of theory, design and implementation of circuits and systems. This is accomplished through technical conference sessions, poster sessions, live demonstration sessions, and publication of conference papers. ISCAS 2023 will be driven by the theme “Technology Disruption and Society” aiming to emphasize the potential of the CAS Society to find innovative solutions to challenges facing society today.
Symposium Website:
NEWCAS 2023, Edinburgh, Scotland (June 2023)

The 21st IEEE International NEWCAS Conference (NEWCAS 2023) will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland, on 26 -28 June 2023. The program of the conference will be tailored to reflect the wide spectrum of topics and research interests shared among the organizing entities. This collaboration will be oriented towards advanced research in adaptive systems which constitutes the highlights of the NEWCAS conference, but also areas related to analog and digital signal processing, low power consumption, circuits, and systems designs.
Topics of Interest
- Analog/mixed-signal circuits
- Biomedical circuits and systems
- Digital circuits and systems
- Communications circuits and systems
- RF & microwave circuits
- Photonic integrated circuits
- CAD and design tools
- Test and verification
- Energy harvesting and power management
- Low-power low-voltage designs
- Microsystems and Embedded systems
- Circuits and systems for AI algorithms
- Neural networks and neuromorphic circuits
- Sensory circuits and systems
- Imaging and image sensors
- Emerging technologies and technology trends
Important Dates
- Deadline for tutorial and special sessions proposals - 5 December 2022
- Deadline for full paper submission - 6 February 2023
- Notification of Acceptance - 10 April 2023
- Deadline for author registration - 1 May 2023
- Submission deadline of final Manuscript - 1 May 2023
AICAS 2023, Hangzhou, China (June 2023)
Key Dates:

Conference website:
RFIC 2023, San Diego, USA (June 2023)
Conference Website:
PRIME 2023, Valencia, Spain (June 2023)
PRIME 2023 will be held at Hotel Primus in Valencia, Spain. PRIME has been established over the recent years as an important conference where PhD students and post-docs with less than one year post-PhD experience can present their research results and network with experts from industry, academia and research. PRIME 2023 will feature a conference program reflecting the wide spectrum of research topics in Microelectronics and Electronics, building bridges between various research fields. In addition to the technical sessions, opportunities for the conference attendees will be the keynote talks, exhibits and social events. The conference is technically co-sponsored by IEEE and IEEE CAS and accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore's scope and quality requirements.
Important Dates
- Paper submission deadline: February 26th, 2023
- Notification of acceptance: April 1st, 2023
- Final paper submission deadline: April 29th, 2023’
Conference Website:
ISVLSI 2023, Iguazu Falls, Brazil (June 2023)
The Symposium explores emerging trends and novel ideas and concepts covering a broad range of topics in the area of VLSI: from VLSI circuits, systems and design methods, to system level design and system-on-chip issues, to bringing VLSI methods to new areas and technologies like nano- and molecular devices, hardware security, etc. ISVLSI 2023 highlights the theme of Internet-of-Things. Future design methodologies are also one of the key topics at the Symposium, as well as new EDA tools to support them. Over three decades the Symposium has been a unique forum promoting multidisciplinary research and new visionary approaches in the area of VLSI, bringing together leading scientists and researchers from academia and industry. The Symposium Proceedings are published by IEEE Computer Society Press. Papers from ISVLSI editions have been subsequently published in special issues of top archival journals which indicates the general high quality of the papers. The Symposium has established a reputation in bringing together well-known international scientists as invited speakers; the emphasis on high quality will continue at this and future editions of the symposium.
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline: February 23, 2023
- Acceptance Notification: April 15, 2023
- Submission of Final Version: May 02, 2023
Conference Website:
MWSCAS 2023, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (August 2023)
The 2023 IEEE 66th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS) will travel to the Valley of the Sun to experience southwestern desert and global technology. MWSCAS 2023 is the North American flagship conference of the IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society and a premiere forum for researchers in the active fields of theory, design, and implementation of circuits and systems. This is accomplished through technical conference sessions, poster sessions, and publication of conference papers. MWSCAS 2023 embraces the theme Reinventing Microelectronics to explore the potential of circuits and systems to address societal challenges through microelectronics design and manufacturing.
Important Dates
- APR 14 | Special Session Proposal
- APR 23 | Regular Paper Deadline
- JUNE 9 | Notice of Acceptance
- JUNE 26 | Final Submissions
ISCIT 2023, Sydney, Australia (October 2023)
The 22nd International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT2023) will be held in Sydney, Australia, in October 16-18, 2023. Under the technical sponsorship of IEEE and IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, ISCIT2023 will provide a forum for researchers, engineers, and industry experts to exchange and discuss new ideas, recent development, and breakthroughs in communications and information technologies. ISCIT2023 will also offer an exciting social program on the beautiful Sydney Harbour.
The conference invites submissions of full papers (up to 6 pages) or extended abstracts (up to 2 pages). Accepted full papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.
ISICAS 2023, Jeju, Korea (October 2023)

The International Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems (ISICAS) invites high-quality submissions presenting original work in the areas of integrated circuits and systems. Topics are in the areas of analog, digital, power, energy, biomedical, sensor interfaces, and communication systems. The submissions must describe integrated circuit and systems implementations with experimental results. Extended versions of previously published recent conference papers with significant additional materials are also welcome.
All accepted papers will be published in four Special Issues of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – I (TCAS-I), IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – II (TCAS-II), IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS), and IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems (OJCAS) shortly after the results are presented at ISICAS 2023.
Paper Submission
All submitted manuscripts must confirm to the formatting and page count limit rules set by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – I (TCAS-I), IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – II (TCAS-II), IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS), and IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems (OJCAS).
The authors of accepted manuscripts and those subject to minor revision at the time the ISICAS 2023 Technical program is drawn up will be asked to present their work at the symposium.
Important Dates
- Paper Submission Deadline Extension: 3 April 2023
- Notification of Acceptance: 3 July 2023
- Registration Starts: 3 July 2023
- Conference: 24-25 October 2023
ICECS 2023, Istanbul, Turkey (December 2023)
The IEEE 30th International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS) will be held in Istanbul, Turkey 4-7 December 2023. As the flagship conference of IEEE Circuits and Systems Society in Region 8 (Europe, Middle East, and Africa), ICECS 2023 will consist of tutorials, plenary lectures, regular, special and poster sessions focusing on recent trends, emerging technologies and advances.
- Analog/Mixed-Signal/Microwave Circuits
- Bio-Medical, Bio-Inspired Circuits/Systems
- EDA, Test and Reliability
- Digital Circuits and Systems
- Linear and Non-Linear Circuits and Systems
- Non-Linear Devices, Memristors
- Low-Power, Low-Voltage Design
- Embedded and Micro/Systems
- Neural Networks, Machine/Deep Learning
- Sensors and Sensing Systems
- Signal Processing, Image and Video
- VLSI Systems and Applications
- Smart Systems for CAS Applications
Important Dates
- Special Session and Tutorials Proposals: May 26, 2023
- Notification of Special Session Acceptance: June 2, 2023
- Paper Submissions: June 16, 2023
- Notification of Paper Acceptance: September 15, 2023
- Camera-Ready Paper Submission: October 13, 2023
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