CASS Goes to University

*Note: The eligibility for the CASS Goes to University program has been revised. Now we no longer require the professor to be a CASS member for three years before the event. The presenting professor should have been in a faculty position for at least three consecutive years before the event. Non-tenure-track professors are also eligible.
CASS Goes to University is a new initiative of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS). It supports outreach events in which professors present a technical CAS-related talk of their choice, information about CASS, and the benefits and resources that CASS can bring to the students in their own universities (a slide deck about CASS will be provided). The goal is to raise awareness of CASS among the students interested in circuit and system design and inform them about the opportunities that CASS offers for their professional development: educational material, networking activities, conference participation, travel scholarships, and much more. Minority students, including women, African American, Hispanic, and others, are particularly encouraged to participate.
This initiative will provide the following for each event:
- A one-year IEEE and IEEE CASS Membership for the professor who makes the presentation to the students in his/her own university.
- Up to 10 IEEE and IEEE CASS Student Memberships for one year for participating students.
- These student memberships may be given as lottery prizes for the event to encourage student participation
- Snack food, such as pizza and soda, for the event through reimbursement.
This first call considers proposals from Region 1 (Northeastern US), Region 2 (Eastern US), Region 3 (Southern US), and Region 7 (Canada).
For other regions, please see the call schedule below.
Proposed events must be held before 31 December 2023.
The presenting professor should have been in a faculty position for at least three consecutive years before the event. Non-tenure-track professors are also eligible. The students eligible for participating in the event are i) undergraduate students close to graduation; ii) graduated students pursuing their MS or Ph.D. degree.
Proposals from other IEEE regions will be considered through the following calls as tentatively scheduled below:
Regions 4-6 1st semester 2024
Region 8 (Western Europe) 2nd semester 2024
Region 8 (Others) and Region 9 1st semester 2025
Region 10 (Northern countries) 2nd semester 2025
Region 10 (Southern countries) 1st semester 2026
*Proposals will be evaluated on a first-come, first-served basis and approved until the budget is exhausted. Each proposal must be submitted 5 days prior to the event to ensure sufficient time for evaluation.
Xinmiao Zhang
VP-Technical Activities, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
Manuel Delgado-Restituto
President, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
Deadline Extended: 2024 SSCAS Call for Proposals - Round One
Deadline Extended to December 31, 2023
We are soliciting round one proposals for the Seasonal Schools in Circuits and Systems (SSCAS) in 2024. The targeted audiences are research students, early-stage researchers, and practitioners with a background in circuits and systems. CAS Emerging topics and topics that complement those in published e-books will be prioritized.
CASS will provide funding support of up to $5,000 USD for each accepted proposal. This year, fully virtual SSCAS's are also allowed, but the funding support is limited to $2,000 USD for each fully virtual school.
The proposal should be prepared following the guidelines below and submitted by 31 December 2023 to the web form linked below.
Any inquiries should be sent to
Proposal Preparation Guidelines
Each proposal should contain the following information:
- The title, a description of the seasonal school technical theme, and a Table of Contents for the e-book.
- A letter of endorsement from one or more local CASS Chapters.
- The list of key organizers and their qualifications.
- A CASS contribution of at most $5,000 USD ($2,000 USD for fully virtual schools) can be included in the budget
- Description of the proposed venue, including its facilities to host the event.
- Description of the benefits of the seasonal school to the CASS membership
- How will it benefit the research students, early-stage researchers, practitioners, and the CAS Society in general?
- How will it benefit the corresponding region?
- Special activities or initiatives planned to enhance the schools, impact on the region, and on the society should also be described.
- Plan for co-sponsorship or a travel grant from local industry or organization.
- Proposed dates.
- Registration fees (for students, researchers, and practitioners), including the discount for CAS Society members.
- Detailed budget breakdown of the event that shows revenues and costs. Note the following:
- A CASS contribution of at most $5,000 USD can be included in the budget.
- The participation of local chapters in the organization should be highlighted, including their involvement in the budget, etc.
- CASS will not assume liability for any deficit.
- Information about lodging costs for the students, if any.
About CASS Seasonal Schools
Each year, the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) organizes several Seasonal Schools in different countries across all regions. These schools bring the latest happenings in the world of circuits and systems to our members. The materials used in the school are published as e-books in the CASS Resource Center, which can be freely downloaded by CASS members. Some of the recent e-books are listed below:
- Selected Topics in RF, Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits and Systems
- Circuits and Systems for the Internet of Things
- Selected Topics in Power, RF, and Mixed-Signal ICs
- Power Management for the Internet of Everything
- Enabling Technologies for the Internet of Things: Wireless Circuits, Systems, and Networks
- Low Power Circuit Design Using Advanced CMOS Technology
- Circuits and Systems for Biomedical Applications
- Circuits and Systems for Wearable Technologies
- From Artificial Intelligence to Brain Intelligence
- Heterogeneous Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems
- Selected Topics in Biomedical Circuits and Systems
- Advanced Tutorial on Analog Circuit Design
- Advanced Tutorial on Radio Frequency Circuit Design
- SoC Designs for Bio-Medical Applications
- Smart Sensors and Devices
The following items will be asked of you if your Seasonal School proposal is accepted.
- Required: We ask you to write immediately after the event a mini-article (journalist style, one page or so) that describes the project, gives information on the participation, and briefly indicates the technical aims. Color pictures or videos (good quality) are recommended.
- Encouraged: Submission of a short video clip (30-60 seconds) showcasing the event and participant’s interview is encouraged. The contributed material will be used to promote the event as part of the CAS Society activity.
- Required: A report on the breakdown of the expenses/how the funds were used
- Required: Video recordings of the Seasonal School's lectures/keynotes to be shared with the CASS Operations Office after the event has concluded. These will be added to the CASS Resource Center and IEEE Learning Network in an effort to promote the CASS educational opportunities.
*If your proposal is accepted and funded by the CASS Society, you are required to partner with the CASS Operations Office and VP - Finance to maintain consistent communication on all event updates, as well as provide in-depth reporting on how the funds were used for your CASS-funded event.
The CAS Society is devoted to encouraging society members to plan and host events and activities within the CAS community