IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Newsletter | Volume 17 | Issue 6 | December 2023 | CURRENT/PAST ISSUES


Embracing the Future: IEEE Standards Workshop on AI for Healthcare

 The IEEE Standards Workshop on AI for Healthcare (Fig. 1), held in conjunction with the 2023 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, marked a significant milestone in the journey of integrating AI into healthcare. This event brought together experts from diverse fields - medical practitioners, engineers, researchers, and industry leaders - to discuss, deliberate, and shape the future of AI in healthcare.

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Fig. 1 (left): Conference Poster

Pioneering Discussions and Insightful Opening Speeches and Keynotes

The workshop showcased a series of opening speeches and keynotes from distinguished speakers. Topics ranged from the practical implications of AI in health, digital health reflections, to leveraging wearables and AI in point-of-care medicine. These presentations provided a comprehensive view of the current state and future potential of AI in healthcare.

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Fig. 2 (right): Opening Speeches by Prof. Yong Lian, Prof. Manuel Delgado-Restituto, Prof. Kun Sun, and Prof. Ping He.

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Fig. 3 (left): Keynotes Speeches by Maria Palombini, Prof. Liebin Zhao, Prof. Ralph Etienne-Cummings, and Prof. Chang Chen.

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 Fig. 4 (above): Round Table Introduction by Prof. Hong Li, Prof. Li Ming, Prof. Cen Jue, Prof. Mohamad Sawan, and Prof. Zhao Liebin. 

Round Table and Interactive Sessions

A highlight of the workshop was the round table session, which fostered an environment of collaboration and exchange. Participants engaged in thought-provoking discussions, exploring the challenges and opportunities that lie at the intersection of AI and healthcare.

Focus on Standards and Ethics

A core aspect of the workshop was the emphasis on international standards and ethical considerations in AI deployment. Sessions focused on the importance of standards in ensuring secure, ethical, and impactful implementation of AI technologies in healthcare. This reflects IEEE's commitment to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

Looking Ahead

The workshop not only provided insights into the current landscape but also laid the groundwork for future developments in AI in healthcare. By bridging technology and medical expertise, IEEE continues to lead the way in fostering innovation and excellence in this rapidly evolving field.


Reported By:
Yongfu Li, Jiajun Yuan, Yang Zhao, and Yong Lian